Eid-ul-Adha. Sacrificial, a must?!

Growing up in the Middle East, I was always dragged into a lot of multi-cultural festivals and Islam being a major religion in Dubai, Eid was always celebrated on a grand scale. Today is Eid-ul-Adha, the “Festival of Sacrifice”. The muslims believe that on this day, their Prophet was ready to sacrifice his son in order to prove his faith in Islam to Allah but just as he was about to strike the knife, Allah replaced his son with a sheep to sacrifice instead. Thereafter, the muslims sacrifice cows, sheep, and goats on this day to keep up the tradition and in memory of Prophet Ibrahim and his faith. The day of Eid is deduced by the Islamic Lunar Calendar.

Prophet Ibrahim sacrificing his son Ishmael


I personally enjoy and feel that the first of the two Eids (Eid-ul-Fitr) that are celebrated annually makes more sense. Forgive me for voicing my opinions on a community’s religious festival, but while growing up, all these years, I was under the misconception that Eid-ul-Adha was about sacrificing these animals to free them from their present animal lives so that their soul may obtain a better body in the new life. Perhaps a human form. My doubts were clarified by a friend, H, who told me that, there is no such belief. They are just keeping up the tradition and by carrying out his actions, its more of a remembrance of their Prophet. Like paying tribute. I was pretty much disappointed to hear that thousands of animals loose their lives, every year on this day, to keep up a tradition? Why do they have to spend large amounts of money, sacrifice these animals and then rejoice over meat eating? There are other ways, aren’t there?

Today, while I was stuck in traffic, I saw a man, get out of his car and open the boot of the car, and in there was a poor little goat, almost suffocating in the dark. The man checked on something and shut the boot back up and got into his car. The first thing I noticed was that the back seat of the car was completely empty. The only two occupants were sitting in the front two seats. The first thought that crossed my mind. How heartless! He could have sat the goat in the backseat. Give it its last view of the world?!

I have watched my friend’s families buy their sheep, goats or cows at least a week or a month earlier and they feed the animals, take care of them until the date of the sacrificial. That seemed justifiable. To treat the animal with love and respect until you put it to sleep, if u must. But this man was rushing by, taking this goat on the morning of Eid day and ill-treating it. God certainly is watching! As the years rolled by, the holiness that surrounded this procedure seems to have vanished. When I was younger, people treated animals well and the whole perspective of the ritual was purely religious and holy. But nowadays, and especially after returning from Oxford, I have noticed that this ritual has become somewhat cynical and commercialised. When I got onto facebook today, all I saw was people wishing each other a “meatlicious” Eid whereas previously the wishes were plain old, “Eid Mubarak” and “Happy Eid”. There were pictures of slaughtered animals all over the place and some people had actually uploaded pictures of the sacrificial at their homes for others to comment on it saying “cool!”. Funny commercials and pictures of mockery have also been created for the occasion, one of them had a cartoon goat on it saying “Game over”!  

Is this the correct message that is going out to the world? Is religion taken too lightly or are people treating it as an obligation? Just another public holiday? The entire affair has come across to me as a meat eating festival rather preserving the sanctity  of what Eid-ul-Adha truly stands for. It comes across as animal cruelty. I know that this maybe a tradition or as per belief, it may also be a religious obligation, but when I asked my friend H, for answers, she din’t have any, because she din’t know for herself. I asked her “why can’t there be another way of showing gratitude for what Prophet Ibrahim did?” , “Just because the Lord replaced his child with a sheep, does it mean that every year millions of animals all over the world deserve to be put to sleep?”.

I may be in no position to do anything about this, or to even oppose. But in my perspective, I think it is wrong. They call it “freeing the animal” but what sort of freedom are you exactly talking about? How are we so sure that these animals may find a better life in the “afterlife”! At the end of the day, every living thing has the urge to live more and see more of life, be it a human being or a cockroach. We are all gifted with life, we have no right to take others. Alas, I am as hopeless in bringing about a change as anybody else, who is reading this post would be.  

Sacrificed goats


I tend to wonder, is this all about an action misinterpreted? Have people made up this tradition so that they can follow in the Prophet’s footsteps and are assuming that, this is what the Good Lord may have wanted of them? The Prophet was put to test by the Lord himself to sacrifice his “child” to prove his faith in God, but why carry on killing animas in the name of sacrifice? In today’s times, what does it signify? Food for thought.


P.S- I know this post may give rise to a lot of contradiction and opposition but it wasn’t intended to do so. I apologise if I have unintentionally offended anyone, but even after close study, I haven’t been able to find a justifiable answer for the way people today behave. Let aside the religious aspect, with all due respect, it maybe right to those who believe and wrong to others who may not believe, but the commercialising? I think its demeaning the entire sanctity of the action. I am just voicing my opinions and maybe someone can clarify my doubts, if Im wrong.


  1. Nimesha R · November 6, 2011

    Wow !
    Love this post !

  2. jay · November 7, 2011

    please allow me to say this……
    I have become your biggest fan…….
    and this more for the way you feel…

    Eid Mubarak….

    • tashsn · November 7, 2011

      Thank you very much Jay. 🙂

  3. huda · November 7, 2011

    haha! i nva said i do not know y we slaughter animals,i nly answerd wat u asked 🙂
    il be glad to answer queries, because i know Islam is the most controverisal religion in the world and ironically the term “islam’ means “peace,submission” in arabic. and is the most peaceful religion too. Certain muslims have turned islam very violent which leads to thinkin that muslims are very powerful strng people.
    i know dis is not relevant but just wantd to drop a piece of my mind.
    No grudges, or anythn PLEASE! 🙂

    • tashsn · November 7, 2011

      Huda, the person I mentioned in the post saying “H” is not you. Haha. I am not talking about you, its someone else. LOL. I still believe Islam is a non-violent religion just like the others, and my post was in no way directed at Islam as a religion, you yourself know how much I respect and believe in it, but today’s young generation is painting a wrong picture (even with the violence part, a small community of people are marring the name of the religion and I hope people are not deceived by them) and its more of like a joke to them. Take a stroll through Fb and see the younger people completely mock the sanctity out of the festival. My issues were just raised on that aspect and which made me wonder, isnt there an alternative to establish TAQWA? 🙂

  4. Anum Syed · November 7, 2011

    beautifully written mashaALLAH (which means ‘As Allah has willed’ –
    for All good things come from ALLAH)!
    and when I read such posts, it is my only wish that I’d have the ability to speak up and say so many things which I haven’t been able to because I do not have the confidence to do so..
    however, fortunately I feel can respond to ur post here Alhumdulillah (Praise be to ALLAH) not only because I sympathize with HALF of the post that u’ve written but also because InshaALLAH (If Allah wills) You’ll have received the answer to your questions..

    those who contradict the issue u’ve discussed here or raise arguments are not following the right path or prolli have no knowledge.. so it’s better for all of us to ignore them.. (including me inshaALLAH) those who argue have either not read the Quran or they are Hypocrytes (those who say they’re believers of ALLAH, HIS prophet and the Holy Book but they’re actually not. They’re two faced. they say something.. and they do something else. their actions differ from their words. It’s Pathetic)
    May ALLAH forgive me.. I was LARGELY a part of this group but
    ALHUMDULILLAH (Praise be to ALLAH) I’m getting out of it.

    The issue you’ve raised here, only those who’ve read the Quran with translation can answer. ALhumdullilah I got to Opportunity to
    Understand it my self.. I’ve just started.. Imagine!

    Also, Please remove the picture of Prophet Ibrahim slaying his SOn
    which has been put up! for the faces of ANY of the prohpets have never been drwan and never shall be drawn.. or an image will be left in our minds and heads of how he may have looked.. which is not right for we’ll concentrate on those images whn making Duah (prayers) which is absolutely wrong.. images as such are NOT drawn by the MUSLIMS and will never be drawn by them as it is considered UNLAWFUL to do so.. Therefore Obviously, this picture is by a WRONG source.

    firstly, the answer to the title of the post..
    YES, it’s a must!

    secondly, Your friend H was right, there is no such belief that we’re freeing an animal from his present life, NOR is this a Tradition the way it is said.

    US Muslims, we’re the servants of ALLAH. Our Aim in life is
    Submission to Allah. complete surrender and obedience to ALLAH
    You have to understand the concept of the Incident that took Place all those years ago. Allah shows his servants that this life is from HIM. It is HIS wish when he wants to take it away or not. ALLAH created each and everything in this Universe. Everything happens according to His will. then Who are we to decide and make a desicion such as killing something? EVEN when a Loved one passes away, it is ALLAH’s will, therefore we’re not supposed to MOURN for his/ her death. it’s wrong to Mourn for a long period of time. Because mourning is like questioning ALLAH’s decision (and that’s an entirely different thing which I will not go into detail about)

    Allah wanted to test Ibrahim’s patience and Obedience towards HIM so he ORDERED Ibrahim to Sacrifice his son. Obviously having no choice he was ready to so. However when he was about to sacrifice his son Allah replaced Ismail (Ibrahims son) with a ram. whereof a Ram was sacrificed.
    A clear proof that ALLAH is CAPABLE of Anything.
    The EVENT is of such great Importance and US MUSLIMS remember it each year so that we’re reminded of Ibrahim’s Obedience towards ALLAH. How he was willing to sacrifice his son for ALLAH. how Important is this Submission and Obedience that out Family members come SECOND!! reason being that this life is NOTHING compared to the After life we’re preparing for!!

    now, The Goal of the Udhiyyah (Sacrifice) according to Allah is the
    Sincerity and Taqwa of His Servant. sincerity I’m sure u understand.. and TAQWA means a believer who has complete faith. In order to Understand the Sacrifice u must understand Taqwa. Taqwa means belief and having Faith.
    – Having Faith in the ‘UNSEEN’ – such as Life After Death, The Angels,
    The Jinn, The Day of Judgement most importantly Belief in ALLAH!
    – Having Faith in the Prphets of ALLAH
    – Having Faith in Allah’s Books, such as Quran and ‘The BIBLE’
    – Having Faith in the Fact that ALLAH has written down everything -DESTINY

    those who’ve believed in these 6 Pillars have TAQWA. Those who
    have Taqwa, enter Jannah (Paradise Or Heaven)

    It is neither their meat (Animals meat) nor their blood (animals blood) that reaches Allah, but it is Taqwa from US Muslims that reaches Him.

    it is said “Thus have We made them subject to you that you may
    proclaim Allah’s greatness for His guidance to you. And give glad
    tidings to the doers of good.)

    Allah says in the Quran: “this sacrifice is prescribed for you so that
    you will remember Him at the time of slaughter, for He is the Creator and Provider. NOTHING of its flesh or blood reaches Him, for He has no need of anything other than HIMSELF. During the time of Jahiliyyah (Olden days before Prophet Mohammed), when they offered sacrifices to their gods, they would put some of the meat of their sacrifices on their idols, and sprinkle the blood over them. But this was not right.

    and alright, so we sacrifice and animal..

    1. 1/3 one third is kept for our selves so that we can feed our selves
    2. 1/3 is given to friends, families and relatives, so that they can feed them selves
    3. 1/3 is given to the poor and needy who’ve been starving all year. so

    we give them their share so tthat they can eat and fill their empty
    stomachs. IMAGINE, if all Muslims make the sacrifice, will ANY needy person be left unattended or hungry? they’ll all have food for themselves


    Those Muslims who’ve completely changed the meaning of this ritual have WRONGED them selves and are in error. they do not know how badly they’re going towards the wrong path.
    Those who make Fun of this ritual are obviously not doing it right.
    anyways, May ALLAH forgive us for our sins.. for our wrong actions.
    May HE increase us in Knowledge so that we may make it clear to everyone how simple ISLAM is inshaALLAH

    By all that u’ve read above… WHAT are we doing wrong??
    I’d like to know your answer to this 🙂

    Ps. U have every right to think the way u do because some muslims indeed are making fools of them selves by completely ruining the whole idea behind this tradition that we remember every year..
    May ALLAH forgive us all..

    • tashsn · November 7, 2011

      Well Anum, I think what you’ve said above does make sense and I have read all that you’ve said about the how the issue was raised or how the ritual came into being. I also have mentioned that Prophet Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son in order to prove his faith in Allah. But let me scroll down to the part where you said Muslims themselves have changed other people’s perspective which is true.. they have started doing that and I blame only the younger generations to make the entire sanctity of the ritual rather cynical. Also, thank you for mentioning what you do with the meat, but again the question I posed was, is there another way ? Prophet Ibrahim (P.B.U.H) proved his faith in Allah, so other than helping the poor fill their stomachs, by sacrificing animals to this day on Eid-ul-Adha, is it brining upon a question of faith or succession? Is it being done because the Prophet started it or just the purpose of being able to feed the needy atleast once an year (which if you notice carefully, the meat is distributed amongst your friends and family which means if your rich, your friends and family may be well to do as well.. so is it really reaching the needy? but then again, that is none of my business because its not the question I raised.) I understand everything you said and with due respect, I was aware of most of the facts but I gathered up courage to write on this issue just because I thought to find out why people still sacrifice? Establishing TAQWA (unseen faith) like you said cannot be achieved in another way? Do you believe that the lives lost are forgiven or compensated by Allah? Is that the reason, it is okay? Forgive my ignorance, maybe I am just curious, but if it is obligatory, I agree with you, those who mock it should be punished. They are demeaning their own community. Thank you Ann for your time.

    • big toes · October 26, 2012

      yes. and many ppl need to really understand wht is all behind tht sacrifice not simply keep asking ppl why should they kill the animals.. ask them how ppl slaughtered the animal brutally in other countries just for the sake of fullfiling their stomac he while muslim ppl have manner to slaughter the animals and we have clear intention for wht those animals r sacrifice .. as u meantioned before related to the third seperation… needless to keep talking n asking y do ppl kill animals.. now i am asking someone there why do u eat beef , chicken, even some eat dogs n cats… so the point of keep repeating the question about killing animals is really pointless… so my point is those who dont know the real menaing fo sacrificing the animals need to read more.. dont just value it as the physical ritual but also the symbolic message behind tht… then ppl will understand wht it s all mean…

      • tashsn · October 27, 2012

        Many people kill animals. For sport, for leisure, for food and some in the name of religion. My question- if this was addressed to me lies on not interrogating ones religion but as to finding out the depth of such an act. From the stone age, people have been hunting animals and sometimes even humans for survival. On auspicious days like Eid, Durga Puja etc, animals are killed on a mass scale and this is tabooed as religious rituals or sunnah or etc. Something that the Lord our good God demands from us. I am in no position to contradict such beliefs, my aim was find out why people do things for the sake of doing but not because they believe it. IF you’ve read the whole post, I’ve made special remarks in areas where, the sacrifical is a must- agreed. Your religion demands it, so does your faith. But as far as I’m aware, the animals are to be well treated before the sacrificial. I witnessed some horrifying treatment, which is what made me ponder and write in the first place. I have been acquainted with the reasons for the sacrificial and also been supported on the awareness I raised. Social media updates such as “meaty Eid.. ” and gore photos of dead animals on my newsfeed isn’t how sanctimonious this festival really is. Its been demeaned by the youth today.

  5. nepaliaustralian · November 7, 2011

    I am not sure if you are aware ,Nepali Hindu celebrated festival called Dashain few months ago. In that festival, animals are sacrificed as well.


    Animals are sacrificed during the Dashain so the tools and vehicles are given their fill of blood so in future there are no accidents. I am not big fan of killing as well so we always use either egg or coconut as substitute.

    I am not expert in religion but looks like many religions believe in sacrifice of the animals and one of the biggest happens in Nepal 😦


    Eid Mubarak….

    • tashsn · November 7, 2011

      What do they sacrifice M? And what is the reason for the Nepali sacrificial? I just think, whether its a muslim tradition or a Hindu one, life is life. Killing animals to prove faith, or any other thing is not rational. And the biggest question that rises is we’re just following people who followed others in doing sacrifices of animals to God. How do we know that this is what God wants of us and to put it otherwise, is that true? Its all written down, but by whom? (No Im not Atheist) but all Im saying is, Faith in God resides in our heart, going the extra mile by being able to sacrifice an animal that does not and cannot speak is not proving faith. Its being ignorant. What if, hypothetically, we were to sacrifice our first born as a proof of our faith in the Good Lord, would we be as unhesitant as we are now when an animal sacrificial is spoken of? Is it because we cant buy a child from the market or because we nurtured that child in our womb for 9 months? Anyhow.
      Eid Mubarak to you too M.

  6. Anum Syed · November 8, 2011

    I’m commenting here after commenting a few times on FB as well..

    I really don’t understand what point are u trying to make?
    ur indirectly suggesting we change some of practices of Islam? just because you are not in favour of them??
    while Ive mentioned each and every point that makes it clear why the sacrifice is actually made? and how simple and just it is.. causing no harm to any body..
    I have already mentioned why the sacrifice is made. yet to ask again and again why?

    it is to test our Obedience towards ALLAH. We remember ALLAH when we make this sacrifice.. for it is HIS command that we’re following

    there is no other way! Taqwa is established in lots of ways.. and the sacrifice is one of

    You keep on asking questions and I keep answering u but u haven’t
    answered mine???

    please answer why u don’t feel the same way when Chickens are slaughtered for ur chicken burgers??
    There is something wrong with the community for we’re slaughtering hens. it’s so wrong!

    or when Fish is caught.. for our sea food dishes? why doesn’t anyone
    pray for their survival??
    we should stop all fishermen from catchin fish again!

    Why do we eat? when so so many lives our taken? Even plants.. they’re Living thingss!
    we should stop eating then!

    LIFE is NOT life .
    it is given to US by our CREATER. that is ALLAH..
    everything is Created by ALLAH!
    ALLAH commands us to make a sacrifice each year so we do it.. It can not be changed when it is a COmmand.. an order from ALLAH.

    DO u believe in AFTER LIFE..?
    We do.. when these animals die.. they’ll be resurrected on the Day Of judgment and will receive their rewards for the sacrifice they gave into.. to benefit man kind.
    WHY should their be another way when this is the right way??

    stop confusing your self just because u love animals to much!

    Also, those who mock it.. they’ll be punished for the wrong that they’re doing.. but the main reason behind this ritual has been mentioned to u..

    Obviously the young generation is not guided properly. and it’s not only the muslims.
    it’s the WHOLE worlds Young generation which is misguided ATM the way I see and doing all sorts of wrong acts. ON Facebook and on Youtube!!
    they’re INDEED demeaning them selves.. their culture.. practices and so much more. It’d be unfair to say that it’s just the muslim community..

    • jay · November 8, 2011

      dear Anum…..

      it looks like, you are trying to make this topic controversial,
      its a general question that comes up..but instead making it more clear, it looks like you are insisting us to believe on what you are saying….
      all the religion in conveys the same message like Muslims…so please calm down…

    • tashsn · November 8, 2011

      Anum let me come to the point. I don’t see any harm in asking what I have not understood once, again. Well, and clearly its not a point of understanding and its not a point of animal love either. What I asked for wasn’t answered until this comment you made.

      “We do.. when these animals die.. they’ll be resurrected on the Day Of judgment and will receive their rewards for the sacrifice they gave into.. to benefit man kind.” – This is your faith and thats what I’ve been looking for, your community believes that these animals will be resurrected on the day of judgement because they are being sacrificed for a good deed in your views. That is completely justifiable. I am in no position to ask anybody to change theri cultural practices in order to make another community content because we all have our own faith. Like I’ve repeatedly said in this post, I am not disproving or trying to contradict, offend anyone. Its just food for thought.

      And its not only muslims, there are other communities also sacrifice animals for different reasons unknown to me. All I wanted to clarify was is there no other way of establishing TAQWA etc.. but then you’ve finally answered what it can accomplish. The animals sacrificed on this day will be special in the light of God as they have died well according to Islam. Thank you the clarification.

      In response to your question on chickens and other animals, we are born omnivores and even before we were born we were non-vegetarians. I would love to change that if I could, but I cannot. They maybe even killed on more unfair grounds than the Eid sacrifice itself. But then again, my question again was NOT on why people kill for Eid, but on what is the religious aspect of it and what do they believe happens to the animals.. and as far as I had heard, animals are to be treated with love and respect and are put to sleep respectfully which as per observation, some people aren’t abiding by the rules of your own religion. i.e today’s young people (which you yourself have to have noticed). I cannot talk against animal killing on the whole because that would make me a hypocrite! I may be an animal lover, but because Im a non-vegetarian by birth, I am not blessed with the opportunity to talk against all of it. If you would like to re-read the post, my questions weren’t raised on your religion, culture or community, it was about how this supposed holy act is being demeaned. I hope you care to notice that. I have no qualms towards anyone’s religion, but I thought I was fortunate enough to ask questions and to be able to find answers. There is no reason you should have lost your calm because in this world there are millions of people who would pose a question but less who would actually listen to an answer. And even lesser who would bother to actually pose a question because they are happy with the perception of their own minds. They would huddle in groups and spread the idea that they have misconceived until everyone has that idea. I have raised a topic, listened to the answers and altered my own conception.

      P.S- I have edited your comment a little(removed personal references) because I have kept myself and everyone in my life very confidential on the blog so that we cannot be searched on google, so I would like that you do not make personal references or take names (hence the use of letters instead of names) hereafter. Thank you 🙂

  7. Anum Syed · November 8, 2011

    dear Jay!
    I was calm alhumdulillah however I started to get confused with what tasha was saying and didn’t understand the question which she has raised a number of times even though it has been answered. forgive me I did loose my patience and I shouldn’t have.. ALlah knows best how awful I feel and I wish I’d deleted the post right away after writing it.. but thn it’d be running away n stuff.. anyways..

    How am I making it controversial? do tell me that..
    Also, she asked a question and I answered it.. what’s wrong about that??
    once again, Im not insisting anyone to believe anything.. she questioned the Muslims about the practice we follow .. and I answered on behalf of all the muslims as to why the sacrifice takes place.. where did I insist that she believe what I believe??

    • jay · November 8, 2011

      Dear Anum…

      first of fall Eid Mubarak….

      its again a general thing for anyone who is interested in Muslim to ask question….

      you have full right to give all the possible answers you have and the one who asks question also has the full right to ask even a small thing if he/she wants to….

      and again everybody has their own opinion and we have to respect that..

      so smile my fren…:D

      • tashsn · November 8, 2011


  8. Anum Syed · November 8, 2011

    God Bless u tasha for such a kind reply! Indeed ur the sweetest!

    and I’m sorry for the way I replied..
    before making anyone else unhappy I made ALLAH unhappy first with the way I responded earlier which are not qualities of a believer! MaY ALlah forgive me!!

    yes Jay it’s a general Question and a Muslim should never fail to make the other person Understand a certain situation!

    Hope ur well tasha.. mwah..

    • tashsn · November 8, 2011

      Thank you Ann, Im glad that we’ve been able to reach middle-ground with this discussion. May God be with you too. We should personally catch up. Take care. Im well, hope you are too. 🙂

  9. huda · November 8, 2011

    yaaa later i figured who da H was..:)

  10. Shahrukh Aziz · November 14, 2011


    SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)! A great yet common point raised. And I think Anum has clearly stated the reason behind the sacrifice which is offered on Eid. However, she also mentioned a very good and main point in her post, i.e. Taqwa! Basically, to truly understand the significance of this event, Taqwa, Tawheed (Belief in the Oneness of Allah) is a must, and I think this has to be explained a bit more!

    If u want, I will go into detail, but here is a brief:

    Tawheed is the most IMPORTANT requirement in Islam. It means that only HE Alone has the right to be worshiped and He has no partners. Tawheed’s meaning does not just end there. It has a much more deep meaning. It means, we truly submit ourselves to Allah’s Will. We ask help from Him alone. We do not depend on anyone/anything else. We acknowledge that everything that exists, and everything that happens is by His Will Alone. If a calamity befalls us, its by Allah. If something good happens in our life, its by Allah. I mean EACH and EVERYTHING is from Allah. Even if a leaf moves by a microns’ worth of length, its by Allah! Even the periodic blinking of ur eye is from Allah! SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)! Such are the countless Blessings of Allah! There is a LOT more to Tawheed, but I think u get my point!

    Yet again, this may all sound gibberish unless a person has Tawheed!
    Now the question arises, how do we attain this “Tawheed”? And should I just waste my entire life for the search of this so called “Tawheed”? Obviously, it sounds like a lot of work and thinking, (and boring for some). But trust me, it aint that hard, time consuming, or boring!

    Now, the most BASIC definition of Tawheed is “Belief in the Oneness of Allah”. This, in my opinion, is the start. There are many ways of proving the existence of Allah! Your own beliefs and values may define which evidence is sufficient. However, that is not the point to prove here (though I am happy to, with the Help of Allah, if you are interested). Hence, as a muslim, I say that the most appropriate way to affirm my belief in Allah is by reading the Quran (Once again, this may not necessarily apply to a non muslim). Now, after having believed in Allah’s existence (the first step of Tawheed), I will obviously even believe in what He says and tells us (i.e. the Quran).

    Now, since Allah orders one to do something, he/she who has brought his/her faith in Him, should follow his commands without questioning. I mean to say, its all in steps. Hence, if u consider the five pillars of Islam (belief that Allaah is One, establishing regular prayer, paying zakaah, fasting Ramadaan and Hajj.), u may notice that Hajj (which includes the rituals of sacrifice) is the last of the five. What I am trying to say here is that one may not be able to understand the significance of this incident, until and unless he has brought faith in Allah and believes that He is the Knower of All things and He knows whats best for us.

    This may have seemed quite out of topic, but I think the importance of Tawheed is quite essential to understand the significance of this incident.

    I completely agree with you that some people are illtreating the animals which is definitely not right and totally against Islam and the teachings of the Prophets. However, i don’t agree with your point that millions of animals die for nothing every year. Even if you are not looking from a religious point of view, it can be looked at from a worldly point of view. As Anum mentioned in her posts, the meat of these animals is divided accordingly and shared among the family, relatives, and the poor! And its not just any animal that is ordered by Allah to be sacrificed. Allah has ordered us to sacrifice certain animals whose meat can be eaten. SubhanAllah! Such is the Great Wisdom of Allah! Such animals are slaughtered daily for food purposes. But on this day (At least), muslims are OBLIGED to offer a portion to the needy and relatives. Infact (again from a wordly point of view) it even increases brotherhood!

    In short, Tawheed is a requirement to understand the reason why we are still following the tradition, even after so many years. Also, the same applies to other events such as Hajj ( as to a non muslim, it may appear completely useless to spend soooo much and gather at a place in two pieces of white cloth). So, I think its not logical at all to jump straight to topics that are based on rituals, as I think, we ALL agree, that rituals are based on beliefs, and for some (including myself), belief requires some proof! Even if one does not require proof, belief should be the first step, as that will obviously answer the questions. If belief is not there, a latter topic (such as our own existence) can be denied (think about it!!)! Hehe..ignore the last part if u don’t understand!:P

    I hope I dint bore u through it, and hope some if not all misconceptions of such a great event have been cleared.:) If u have any questions, I’ll try my best with the Help of Allah to answer them!:)

    Wa’Allahu’Alam ( And Allah Knows Best)

    Jaza’akAllah Khair!

    • tashsn · November 14, 2011

      Thank you Shahrukh. For clarifying even more. Coming to the point, I did not put a blatant accusation on Islam, its followers or the religion itself, I wanted to know whether there was a real reason behind sacrificing thousands of animals annually on this occasion or it was a tradition that people “assumed” should be continued because the Prophet himself initiated it. He was put to the test to prove his faith in Allah, so people follow it today? Had they been instructed to carry it on for generations and generations till now? Well, clearly, you and Anum both had justified and answered my question by explaining TAQWA and TAWHEED, and that too I’ve gained a lot of insight on this ritual that’s followed. And thank you for also agreeing with me, all of you, about how people are painting the wrong picture and marring the sanctity of this holy act. It is very humble to take criticism humbly and speak justifiably. Thank you for your contribution.

  11. meeng · November 18, 2011

    Great post. I have always been against animal sacrifice. I saw some replies above trying to justify it but I don’t understand. If you want to please god than I suppose sacrificing yourself instead would be appropriate instead of those harmless creature who were also created by god. I don’t believe in religion, any religion at all. Its rationality over religion for me. and this is purely a personal statement. No offence to anybody whatsoever.

    • tashsn · November 18, 2011

      Yes, I agree with the former part of the comment. To some extent I have understood its a custom and I am in no place to ask people to change their customs but based on history/religious stories it still doesn’t ask people to continue sacrificing. I subdued myself because the justification and the point I was trying to make was all going haywire. However, with all due respect to their religious beliefs, animal “massacre” is still wrong. But then people raise questions like, why aren’t you against animals being killed for food in restaurants etc. and unfortunately being a non-vegetarian, my justifications won’t back me up well enough 😦

      • meeng · November 19, 2011

        yeah well..people who wants to do something will find a way to do it no matter how much you try to convince them. I guess to each his own just makes sense here..!!

      • tashsn · November 19, 2011

        To each his own indeed! 🙂

      • Shahrukh Aziz · November 19, 2011

        Firstly, I think T u are mistaken there

        “but based on history/religious stories it still doesn’t ask people to continue sacrificing.”

        We are clearly told in the Quran and in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to offer this sacrifice.

        Secondly, I cant speak for other religions, but Islam is purely based on rationality. Rather, stating all religions to be irrational, is definitely an irrational and prejudice statement on its own. But yet again, to everyone, his own makes sense, and no matter how much you try to convince or show people proofs and perfection about a specific belief, they do not ponder or take heed. Surely the arabic word “Insaaan” used for humans by Allah in the Quran clearly reflects its meaning! SubhanAllah!

        “The likeness of the two parties is as the blind and the deaf and the seer and the hearer. Are they equal when compared? Will you not then take heed?” [Quran, Chapter 11, Verse 24]

        No offence meant at anyone.:)


      • tashsn · November 19, 2011

        Yes, I agree I may be a wrong on a lot of things Shahrukh and obviously the Islam community being stalwart devotees are following as per advised and as your faith leads on. To each his own is right. Also, I was still under the assumption that its the act performed which has been followed down, but did not know of the mention in the Quran. You and me may have a lot to debate on. But this is religion and I do respect yours, as I feel all religions preach the same, I can say that Im an omnist of a kind. Therefore, we can keep justifying each other’s points but paying heed to religion. You are doing the right thing as your religions directs you to. The onlookers are probing for answers that bewilder them 🙂
        No offence taken. Take care.x

      • Shahrukh Aziz · November 20, 2011

        Why else did I mention about Tawheed, if it wasn’t stated in the Quran!:P..hehe

        I think one thing should be cleared for any future misconceptions: ANY act/ritual/celebration/festival that is followed by the muslims BUT not mentioned in the QURAN and/or the SUNNAH(ways, teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered as a BIDAH(Innovation) in Islam (which is definitely not allowed as Islam needs not and must not be modified). These may include mothers/fathers/valentines day, Shab-e-Baraat, etc.

        And yes! I would love to have a friendly debate with you on such issues as these are very imp issues but neglected often nowadays. Religion is such an imp issue. How can we neglect such issues? What if we are not on the right path? What if all that some religions warn about are to be true and we may be taking them lightly? What is our end gonna be?

        Its a good thing u brought this topic up!:)…But yes, we need to have more discussions/debates/etc. on such issues…but once again…with a rational approach..as thats the only way we will not limit ourselves and will find our way to the truth Inshaa Allah!:)


      • tashsn · November 20, 2011

        I’d love to carry out healthy conversation/debate too only if you haven’t disappeared off the face of earth. There’s this reunion we’d planned out but I dont have a way of inviting you because you’ve chosen to be invisible. Hope to hear more from you. It would be good if you could make it.

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